Waukesha Floral & Greenhouses, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants are considered based on their qualifications. If you are under 18 years of age, you must furnish a work permit.
If you are hired for a job in which you must drive a company vehicle, we require you to furnish us with a copy of your driver's license. Our insurance requires that we obtain a copy of your driver's record. Any activity listed on your driver's record will be taken into consideration regarding your qualifications for the position for which you are applying. We may also be required to obtain a copy of your driver's record annually.
List two personal references who are not relatives or former supervisors.
** I certify that answers given here are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize investigation of all statements contained in this application and give Waukesha Floral & Greenhouse, Inc. the right to fully investigate my past employment and job-related activities. I agree to cooperate in such investigations and release from liability all persons, firms, or corporations supplying information about me. I understand that any false answers or statements made by me on this application may disqualify me from further consideration for employment and may result in my immediate discharge if discovered at a later date. I understand that this is not a contract of employment.