House Plant Hobby


Seriously–it’s time to take up the house plant hobby for yourself!  House plants are all the rage–and why did they ever disappear?  For some of us, house plants never did.  Here are some reasons for you to take up this “growing” hobby!

  • Memories: Growing up, my grandpa Lou had a beautiful Christmas cactus, growing on the back porch of his apartment on the northwest side of Milwaukee.  It was planted in a white swan which made it all the more appealing to me.  Although Grandpa has passed, his Christmas cactus lives on.  It’s more than 50 years old like so many old friend plants grow to be.
  • You’re Fashionable:  Have you opened a shelter magazine or caught an episode of “Good Bones” on HGTV?  A curated collection of different textures, heights, leaf shapes, colors and containers is in vogue and sets the stage for a homey feel – in your office, your home… or your home office.  You’ll be on trend!
  • Air Freshening Qualities:  That’s right, those plants not only look beautiful, they also filter your air of carbon monoxide and other impurities in the air.  Plants actually give back to you!
  • You Get More Done:   It’s true, and it’s a fact.  According to this Texas A&M study, workers’ idea generation, creative performance and problem solving skills improve substantially in workplace environments that include plants.
  • Plants are Friends:  Plants have different personalities too!  Some plants are very forgiving, and some are rather finicky.  Most plants get tougher as they grow older, and after the first month or two, they will adapt to the care they receive from you.  Plants are agreeable, they will love your music, won’t talk back and will provide new surprises like buds and shoots and roots.  You can sing to them and they won’t cringe, tell them a joke and they won’t groan.  You can tell them anything you want and they will still be there to listen.

Take up the challenge of some new house plants by stopping at Waukesha Floral & Greenhouse for some inspiration!  The following pictures are some plants we recommend you add to your collection first!

The humble but sturdy Sanseveria (Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law's Tongue). A beautifully tall plant, this also comes in shorter varieties. The plant prefers bright or indirect light, and infrequent watering. The sunnier the location, the more water it requires.

The humble but sturdy Sanseveria (Snake Plant or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue). A beautifully tall plant, this also comes in shorter varieties. The plant prefers bright or indirect light, and infrequent watering. The sunnier the location, the more water it requires.


A container with a variety of succulent plants is perfect for the beginner. They love higher light but will tolerate bright indirect light. Watering is infrequent.

A container with a variety of succulent plants is perfect for the beginner. They love higher light but will tolerate bright indirect light. Watering is infrequent.


The money tree is a small but sturdy little plant that can grow quickly. It tolerates most light conditions but requires a little more water than a succulent. If you like the look of a bonsai tree, it will do the trick for you at a lower price.

The money tree is a small but sturdy little plant that can grow quickly. It tolerates most light conditions but requires a little more water than a succulent. If you like the look of a bonsai tree, it will do the trick for you at a lower price.


Tillandsia, or air plants grow without roots in dirt. They more or less are the "couch potatoes" of the plant world. They can lie around wherever you put them and just require a good soaking bath once a week. Some Tillandsia will reward you with a surprise flower!

Tillandsia, or air plants grow without roots in dirt. They more or less are the “couch potatoes” of the plant world. They can lie around wherever you put them and just require a good soaking bath once a week. Some Tillandsia will reward you with a surprise flower!


The cactus is a winner for low care, especially if bright light is present in your home. This bunny ears is so cute.

The cactus is a winner for low care, especially if bright light is present in your home. This bunny ears is very cute I think.


The Monstera, or Swiss Cheese plant, is known for its natural holes in the wide, glossy leaves. It prefers bright, indirect light and should be allowed to try between waterings every 1-2 weeks. Its an architecturally-rich plant for its shape against a wall or window.

The Monstera, or Swiss Cheese plant, is known for its natural holes in the wide, glossy leaves. It prefers bright, indirect light and should be allowed to try between waterings every 1-2 weeks. Its an architecturally-rich plant for its shape against a wall or window.


The Chinese Evergreen is a great starter plant. It likes indirect light and is forgiving when you forget to water. This plant prefers to be on the dry side. Small inconspicuous flowers will bloom occasionally. And we love this unusual weathered urn.

The Chinese Evergreen is a great starter plant. It likes indirect light and is forgiving when you forget to water. This plant prefers to be on the dry side. Small inconspicuous flowers will bloom occasionally. And we love this unusual weathered urn.

Jade plants love bright light and low watering because its a succulent plant. When leaves begin to wither or dry, its time to water this beauty.

Jade plants love bright light and low watering because its a succulent plant. When leaves begin to wither or dry, its time to water this beauty.


Ivy plants are humidity loving plants that will do well in a bright bathroom or kitchen. They like to be watered moderately but love the humidity on their leaves.

Ivy plants are humidity loving plants that will do well in a bright bathroom or kitchen. They like to be watered moderately but love the humidity on their leaves.


Draceana plants range in size from tabletop to tall, and the long leaves give a nice wild look to your collection of plants.

Draceana plants range in size from tabletop to tall, and the long leaves give a nice wild look to your collection of plants.


Polka Dot plants are bright and beautiful with their pink leaves and green veining. These can be planted outdoors in a container or indoors with very modest care.

Polka Dot plants are bright and beautiful with their pink leaves and green veining. These can be planted outdoors in a container or indoors with very modest care.


Ponytail palm is a great starter plant, as it needs care similar to a succulent or cactus. Lots of light but little water. This plant will provide a cascade of leaves to your collection!

Ponytail palm is a great starter plant, as it needs care similar to a succulent or cactus. Lots of light but little water. This plant will provide a cascade of leaves to your collection!


The umbrella tree is a beautiful plant with a rounded leaf texture. Made for being in the home, this plant likes light up and down its leaves and infrequent water.

The umbrella tree is a beautiful plant with a rounded leaf texture. Made for being in the home, this plant likes light up and down its leaves and infrequent water.

Begonia plants provide that pop of gray and unpredictable leaf shapes of every kind. They are happy as an outdoor plant and would be happy in a bright sunny window indoors.

Begonia plants provide that pop of gray and unpredictable leaf shapes of every kind. They are happy as an outdoor plant and would be happy in a bright sunny window indoors.

About the Author: jane