Waukesha Floral’s greenhouses are bursting with color! It’s time to preview the outdoor flower trends for 2019, as seen in our greenhouse. It’s been such beautiful weather, but a little too early to install your plants into the garden. We recommend night time temperatures at 50 degrees or above before planting can be done. If you need to see some color and want to preview the plants in person, just come in and visit! In the meantime, here’s a few pictures of what’s new in outdoor flower trends for 2019:
Lemon coral sedum is a ground-hugging plant that is tough and hardy, takes little water and just loves a dose of sunshine daily. Great in mixed pots, too!
Petunia Crazytunia “French Kiss” has a striking purple flower with white stripes that make star shapes on each blossom. Super hardy and tolerant of dry conditions, this is a thrilling new selection!
Calibrachoa “Grape Splash” or “Candy Bouquet” have a truly unique brushstroke pattern of bright colors on each petal. These are hardy like petunias but do not require deadheading (taking off the wilted petals after blooming).
Begonia “Encanto Orange” is a favorite of many for its striking display of elongated, bright orange flowers. This begonia is planted in a natural cone shaped basket with a trailer of German ivy.
Long a staple of british gardens, the yellow Calendula is valued for its medicinal and culinary purposes. This is also called a “pot marigold” and its bright and fluffy looking flowers are cheery and full of sunshine.
The Caliope series geraniums are so beautiful that these colors almost look like they were enhanced (but they were not). Bright flowers, sturdy foliage and a long-blooming habit make these a favorite for Mother’s Day.
An excellent choice for a shaded location, Canary Wings begonia has bright, chartreuse-green leaves with a contrasting red flower (think canary). The brightness of the plant will lighten an otherwise dark area.
Containers of purple celosia reach for the sun. Feathery and unique, celosia is a tough plant that will come back if the rabbits chew it (I know from experience).
Mixmasters brings us a delightful combination of bidens Sunbeam, Lobelia Waterfall and Verbena Firehouse together in one bright red-yellow-blue combination in this striking hanging basket.
Waukesha Floral always carries great coleus plants, and 2019 is no exception!
Impatiens are blooming powerhouses, and these double Fiestas are a good example. Fully double, rose-like blooms require no dead-heading maintenance and will reward your shady area with gorgeous blooms until frost.
Portofino orange begonias look fabulous against the bronzy green foliage. A wandering jew plant of grey-green striped foliage will be beautiful as a spiller from the side of the pot.
You’ll love the twisted crest of this celosia plant in a firey pink shade!
The semi-trailing begonia called “belleconia salmon” has vivid flowers that will look great in a semi-shaded area.
This geranium is absolutely stunning! “Pretty little pink splash” with a bright green rim of lysimachia (creeping Jenny). Gorgeous!
No picture is available yet, but these sunflower plants are in patio pots, sure to be beautiful! Sunfinity sunflowers promise to thrive and bloom all summer long, much longer than the single bloom sunflower.
Many many more plants like this gorgeous geranium basket are available. That’s just a brief overview of 2019 outdoor flower trends in the greenhouse!