Sunshiny Flowers for your Yard

It’s finally warming up a little out there!  Let’s bask in the sunshine and bring the color YELLOW into our outdoor world this year.  Here are some YELLOW selections from our greenhouse.  I included the coleus because of its subtle YELLOW leaf margins.  It would be a nice container contrast to any of these yellow flowers.

Featured is the beautiful YELLOW hibiscus, grown in 100% tropical breezes and full sunshine!  They crave sunshine on your patio too.  Reiger begonias are so full and lush and will be happier in a little shadier area.  The yellow nemesia is called “Sunsatia Lemon” and is perfect for full to part sun.  The tiny petunia-like flower is calibrachoa (million bells) and has a pretty white stripe.  No need to remove the old blossoms, they are self-sufficient (a.k.a.-more time for you this summer!).

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About the Author: jane